Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Oh the early days of my Steampunkery

When I first started out I picked a name I liked and the name of a scientist and jammed it together to create the name Bridget Newton.  . .  I didn't really fancy it but it was the best I could come up with at the time.
Now. . . . A couple years later, I've more of a clearer vision of what Steampunk is.  The fashion/style, music etc. Now I have given myself a new name . . .. Pandorica Pond

This year's Guinness Book of world records has a 2 page spread in which there is a photo of the largest Steampunk gathering ever is shown. My family, friends, and myself are actually in that picture!

I'd love to give a shout out to my friends the League of S.T.E.A.M. who are in the front row there.

I only wish my favorite Steampunk band Steam Powered Giraffe were there too.

Here is some of my Steampunk Journey throughout the last couple years:

The Steampunk Themed Repo! show that we did

And then the latest:

Wonder where I'll be in another year . . . .  .

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